Fly Tippers Get Fined

Fly Tipping and the Law

Fly-tipping is defined as the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’.

Tipping a mattress, electrical items or a bin bag full of rubbish in the street causes a local nuisance and makes an area look ugly and run down. At the larger end of the scale fly-tipping can involve several truckloads of construction and demolition waste being tipped on different types of land.

Uncontrolled illegal waste disposal can be hazardous to the public, especially if it contains toxic material or asbestos. There could be a risk of damage to watercourses and soil quality from the dumped waste.

In 2016/17 more than one million incidences of fly-tipping were dealt with by councils in England. The estimated cost of clearing up this waste was over £58 million. 

Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted. The courts have various powers available to them to tackle fly-tipping, including imprisonment, unlimited fines and an order to deprive rights to a vehicle used to commit the offence.

Bulky Waste (e.g. fridges, sofas etc.) – your council is not obliged to remove this. However, many local authorities do provide a bulky waste collection service. Please contact your local council for details.

Garden Waste – most councils operate a garden waste collection, often in separate bins. Otherwise take garden waste to your local tip for composting or compost at home.

Commercial Waste – if you run a business, you must have a contract with a registered waste carrier to ensure that your waste is being taken away and disposed of correctly. If you are disposing of business waste yourself at a tip or a landfill, then the site must be licensed to take commercial waste. You will have to pay a gate fee and landfill tax.

If you are asking a third party (e.g. builder) to remove your waste as part of a job, you should ensure that they are a registered waste carrier. Ask to see their certificate, or alternatively check with the Environment Agency.


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